The Regional Truck Parking Information System (TPIMS), the largest project of its kind to ever be funded by a U.S. TIGER grant, will be showcased during a November 1st presentation at the ITS World Congress in Montreal, Canada.
The presentation will highlight how member states of the Mid America Association of State Transportation Officials joined together in creating an eight-state regional technology program for providing commercial freight truck drivers with real-time information that helps them more easily find safe, nearby parking as they reach the end of their regulated hours of service. The presentation will outline how the TPIMS technology will work and be used, along with how the project is progressing towards its early 2019 full deployment.
Making the presentation will be Project Manager Davonna Moore, Assistant Bureau Chief of Transportation for the Kansas Department of Transportation, and Matt Junak of the HNTB consultant team supporting the project.
The World Congress brings together global leaders in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) to share the latest innovative concepts, active prototypes and live systems designed to use technology to more safely, efficiently and cost effectively move people and goods. Thousands of academics, researchers, policymakers, businesses, investors and the media come from around the world to learn more about how to address the challenges facing – and created by – mobile, connected societies. The ITS World Congress is produced by ITS America in conjunction with ITS Canada and co-organized by ITS Europe and ITS Asia-Pacific.
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