
November 28. 2016 | TPIMS Project Moves into Phase II

The TPIMS Partnership hit a milestone on November 15 with the launch of Phase II. This phase is expected to last approximately two years. In 2017, each of the eight state transportation agencies will complete their final designs and begin to construct the truck parking system. Construction and testing will continue in 2018. Phase II [...]

By |2017-02-01T16:26:04+00:00December 2nd, 2016|Meetings, timeline|0 Comments

August 8-11.2016 | MAASTO 2016 Conference

Davonna Moore and other members of the TPIMS Project team presented the “TPIMS Journey” at the Mid America Association of Freight Transportation Officials (MAASTO) Conference 2016. The presentation focused on the overall progress of the project. The project team also hosted an informational booth at the conference.   August 8-11.2016 – MAASTO 2016 Conference TPIMS_journey_2016_07_21 [...]

By |2024-09-09T18:59:23+00:00August 17th, 2016|timeline|0 Comments

June 8-9. 2016 | Partnership Task Force Workshop

Important decisions regarding proposed system requirements for the Regional Truck Parking Information Management Systems project were made at a two-day Detroit workshop involving members of the MAASTO TPIMS partnership. Represented at the workshop were the Federal Highway Administration and the transportation agencies from Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin. The workshop, which [...]

By |2017-02-01T16:44:38+00:00June 8th, 2016|Meetings, timeline|Comments Off on June 8-9. 2016 | Partnership Task Force Workshop

June 7. 2016 | Vendor Forum

Potential vendors from around the world attended the June 7 Vendor Forum for the Regional Truck Parking Information Management Systems project now underway. The Forum, held at the Southeast Michigan Traffic Operations Center in Detroit, provided an opportunity for companies to learn more about the project, which will give commercial freight drivers greater access to [...]

By |2017-02-01T16:45:35+00:00June 7th, 2016|Meetings, timeline|Comments Off on June 7. 2016 | Vendor Forum

April 26-27. 2016 | TPIMS Stakeholder Workshop

The project team conducted TPIMS Stakeholder Workshops held on April 26 and 27 in Minneapolis and Indianapolis respectively. The workshops provided participants with the opportunity to help the project team better understand truck parking issues from multiple public- and private-sector perspectives. This was done using a variety of feedback tools, including facilitated discussion, an in-meeting [...]

By |2017-02-01T16:48:10+00:00April 26th, 2016|Meetings, timeline|Comments Off on April 26-27. 2016 | TPIMS Stakeholder Workshop

October 29. 2015 | TPIMS Tiger Grant

“Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx today announced that the Department of Transportation will provide $25 million for the Regional Truck Parking Information and Management System across eight states, including Kansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin…”

By |2017-02-01T16:48:52+00:00October 29th, 2015|timeline|0 Comments
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